Aug 20 – 29, 2018
Europe/Paris timezone

This year's ENS summer institute will take place from August 20th to August 29th. We will kick off the institute with a three day conference dedicated to the recent progress in our understanding of quantum theories in 6d, ranging from the classification program of 6d superconformal field theories via F-theory engineering, to computational techniques based on localisation, the topological string, and much more. The ensuing days will proceed at a more leisurely pace, leaving ample time for interaction and collaboration. During the second week of the institute, David Tong will give a three part lecture on the topic of 3d dualities.


  • Christopher Beem
  • Sergio Benvenuti
  • Francis Brown
  • Cyril Closset
  • Michele Del Zotto
  • Guido Festuccia
  • Amihay Hanany
  • Kenneth Intriligator
  • Hans Jockers
  • Henrik Johansson
  • Seok Kim
  • Albrecht Klemm
  • Guglielmo Lockhart
  • Andre Lukas
  • David Morrison
  • João Penedones
  • Amit Sever
  • David Tong
  • Stefan Vandoren
  • Konstantin Zarembo


Conf. IV, 2nd floor of physics building, just follow the signs from the main entrance!
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique Départment de Physique de l'École Normale Supérieure 24 rue Lhomond 75 005 Paris France

Organized by Benjamin Basso, Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor, Miguel Paulos and Boris Pioline. Supported by the École Normale Supérieure, the CNRS, the Université Pierre et Marie Curie and the ANR grant "Holographie quantique et symétries nouvelles en théorie des cordes."