Our main objective in this workshop is to discuss in an informal interactive format the two-pion and e+e- production in pp and pi p reactions in connection with the interpretation of HADES data and the preparation of new experiments at GSI and FAIR,
In particular, the following subjects will be addressed
- Baryon spectroscopy ( e.g. 2piN branching ratios from PWA of pion beam together with photon beam, cascade resonances, triangular singularities,......)
- Rho contribution ( direct production and production via resonances, check of Vector Dominance for baryons )
- Time-like electromagnetic form factors
- Nucleon-Nucleon reaction mechanisms (single/double baryon resonance contributions, meson production)
- Search for dibaryons (consistency of the measurement in different decay channels,...)
- Impact for medium effects study
Preliminary list of speakers and topics:
- Amel Belounnas (IPN Orsay) :HADES results for the pp->pppi+pi- reaction at 3.5 GeV.
- Mikhail Bashkanov (Edinburgh University) electro-magnetic properties of the d* dibaryon
- Xu Cao (CAS Lanzhou) Lagrangian models for two pion production.
- Izabela Ciepal (UJ Cracow) event generator for pi-p->ne+e- reaction.
- Tetyana Galatyuk (TU Darmstadt) e+e- production in heavy-ion reactions: HADES data
- Malgorzata Gumberidze (GSI Darmstadt) HADES results for the pp->pppi+pi- reaction at 1.25 GeV incident beam energy.
- Georgy Kornakov (GSI Darmstadt) HADES results concerning baryon resonances in medium
- Alexander Jerusalimov (JINR Dubna) OPER model for multipion production.
- Gennady Lykasov (Dubna) remotely phenomenology of pion beam experiments
- Stefan Leupold (Uppsala) Models for hyperon electromagnetic form factors
- Victor Mokeev (Jlab, USA) remotely: results form two-pion production in electron scattering experiments
- Krzystof Nowakowski (UJ Cracow) simulations for hyperon Dalitz decays with HADES.
- Eulogio Oset (Valencia University) Highlights of two pion production channels.
- Teresa Pena (IST Lisbon) Electromagnetic time like transition form factor models.
- Witek Przygoda (Cracow) pi+pi- production in pion beams:HADES data
- Pablo Ramos (NPI Rez) e+e- production in pion beams: HADES experiments
- Victor Nikonov (NRC KI Gatchina and Bonn University) Bonn-Gatchina PWA results of pi- p and K- p reactions
- Piotr Salabura (UJ Cracow) HADES results in elementary reactions.
- Tatiana Skorodko (Tübingen University) Search for dibaryons in two-pion experiments
- Jan Staudenmaier (FIAS Frankfurt) SMASH transport model for hadronic reactions.
- Joachim Stroth (GSI and Frankfurt University) seminar "Dense matter studies at GSI and FAIR".
- Miklos Zetenyi (Wigner RCP Budapest) Microscopic model for pi-p->ne+e- reaction.
The workshop will take place in the room "salle des conseils", located in building 100 at IPN Orsay.
information on the access can be found here http://ipnwww.in2p3.fr/Infos-pratiques?lang=en
information for accomodation can be obtained by contacting the organizers
Registration for this event is currently open.