May 22 – 24, 2018
IPN Orsay
Europe/Paris timezone

Our main objective in this workshop  is to discuss in an informal interactive format the two-pion and e+e- production in pp and pi p reactions in connection with the interpretation of HADES data and the preparation of new experiments at GSI and  FAIR,

In particular, the following subjects will be addressed

  • Baryon spectroscopy ( e.g. 2piN branching ratios from PWA of pion beam together with photon beam,  cascade resonances, triangular singularities,......)
  • Rho contribution ( direct production and production via resonances,   check of Vector Dominance for baryons )
  • Time-like electromagnetic form factors
  • Nucleon-Nucleon reaction mechanisms (single/double baryon resonance contributions, meson production)
  • Search for dibaryons (consistency of the measurement in different decay channels,...)
  • Impact for medium effects study


Preliminary list of speakers and topics:

  • Amel Belounnas (IPN Orsay) :HADES results for the pp->pppi+pi- reaction at 3.5 GeV.
  • Mikhail Bashkanov (Edinburgh University) electro-magnetic properties of the d* dibaryon
  • Xu Cao (CAS Lanzhou) Lagrangian models for two pion production.
  • Izabela Ciepal (UJ Cracow) event generator for pi-p->ne+e- reaction.
  • Tetyana Galatyuk (TU Darmstadt) e+e- production in heavy-ion reactions: HADES data
  • Malgorzata Gumberidze (GSI Darmstadt)  HADES results for the pp->pppi+pi- reaction at 1.25 GeV incident beam energy.
  • Georgy Kornakov (GSI Darmstadt) HADES results concerning baryon resonances in medium
  • Alexander Jerusalimov (JINR Dubna) OPER model for multipion production.
  • Gennady Lykasov (Dubna) remotely phenomenology of pion beam experiments
  • Stefan Leupold (Uppsala) Models for hyperon electromagnetic form factors
  • Victor Mokeev (Jlab, USA) remotely: results form two-pion production in electron scattering experiments
  • Krzystof Nowakowski (UJ Cracow) simulations for hyperon Dalitz decays with HADES.
  • Eulogio Oset (Valencia University)  Highlights of  two pion production channels.
  • Teresa Pena (IST Lisbon) Electromagnetic time like transition form factor models.
  • Witek Przygoda (Cracow) pi+pi- production in pion beams:HADES data
  • Pablo Ramos (NPI Rez) e+e- production in pion beams: HADES experiments
  • Victor Nikonov (NRC KI Gatchina and Bonn University) Bonn-Gatchina PWA results of pi- p and K- p reactions
  • Piotr Salabura (UJ Cracow) HADES results in elementary reactions.
  • Tatiana Skorodko (Tübingen University) Search for dibaryons in two-pion experiments
  • Jan Staudenmaier (FIAS Frankfurt)  SMASH transport model for hadronic reactions.
  • Joachim Stroth (GSI and Frankfurt University) seminar "Dense matter studies at GSI and FAIR".
  • Miklos Zetenyi (Wigner RCP Budapest) Microscopic model for pi-p->ne+e- reaction.

The workshop will take place in the room "salle des conseils", located in building 100 at IPN Orsay.

information on the access can be found here

information for accomodation can be obtained by contacting the organizers



IPN Orsay
salle des conseils
Registration for this event is currently open.