The Auger@TA project is a combined effort involving members of both the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array experiment (TA) to cross-calibrate detectors and compare results on air showers detected at one location. We have recently reported results from Phase I of the project, during which we collected and presented data from two Auger water-Cherenkov surface-detector stations deployed into the TA experiment near the Central Laser Facility. For Phase II we will deploy a micro-array of six single-PMT Auger surface detector stations co-located with TA scintillator surface-detector stations. The Auger micro-array will trigger and collect data independently from the TA allowing for a complete end-to-end comparison of detector data, calibration, and reconstructed event quantities on a shower-by-shower basis between the TA and Auger detector systems. We describe progress towards development of the micro-array for Phase II including the preparation of surface detector water tanks, station electronics, wireless communications, trigger and data acquisition. We also outline plans for deploying the Auger@TA micro-array into the Telescope Array experiment during early 2019 with preliminary estimates for coincident air-shower rates.