2–7 mai 2010
Oustau Calendal Conference Center
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

TOP counter prototype R&D

7 mai 2010, 12:05
Oustau Calendal Conference Center

Oustau Calendal Conference Center

Cassis, France
Oral presentation Research & Development for future experiments Research and Development for future detectors


Dr Kenji Inami (Nagoya university)


We have been developing a Cherenkov ring-imaging counter, named TOP counter, as a particle identification device of Belle-II detector for super B-factory at KEK. In this presentation, we show the R&D status of TOP counter prototype development. We have performed the beam test using 2m long quartz radiator and MCP-PMTs, and evaluated the number of detected photons, time resolution and chromatic effects. We develop the square-shape MCP-PMT with Hamamatsu photonics, to obtain the enough lifetime under the Belle-II environment. We improved the lifetime of the quantum efficiency by changing the internal structure and production process.
Please indicate "poster" or "plenary" session. Final decision will be made by session coordinators. plenary


Dr Kenji Inami (Nagoya university)

Documents de présentation