2–7 mai 2010
Oustau Calendal Conference Center
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

GasToF: A picosecond resolution ToF detector at the LHC.

6 mai 2010, 18:40
Oustau Calendal Conference Center

Oustau Calendal Conference Center

Cassis, France
Oral presentation Research & Development for future experiments Research and Development for future detectors


Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (UCLouvain/CERN)


The needs and the proposed solutions for extremely fast timing detectors were one of the main highlights of the FP420 R&D report recently published in JINST 4 (2009) T10001. The FP420 project studies feasibility of installing proton detectors at 420m from the ATLAS and/or CMS interaction point(s) at the LHC, allowing for precise measurements in high luminosity environment of the spatial position and arrival time of forward scattered protons. GasToF is one of two proposed ToF detectors and is the Cerenkov detector filled with the dense gas as C4F10 and readout by fast MCP-PMTs. Its prototyping is briefly described and supplemented by results of detailed simulations used for the design optimization. A number of the test beam results and cosmic ray measurements are presented showing that the GasToF detectors reach the time resolution of less than 10 ps, and high efficiency close to a mechanical edge. Operation of GasToF in high luminosity conditions requires running the MCP-PMTs at large event rates, more than 1 MHz per channel. Results of studies using a dedicated PiLas 408 nm laser setup and a 8 GHz bandwidth Agilent scope for testing two types of fast MCP-PMTs - the 6 um pore Hamamatsu R3809U-50 and the 3 um pore Photek 210 are discussed. These high rate tests were used both to understand performance of the MCP-PMTs and to find their optimal working point, including the effects of the fast amplifiers, constant fraction discriminators and cables. New design of the GasToF detectors using the Photonis and Photek multi-anode MCP-PMTs is described and compared to the single channel design. The GasToF potential for resolving multihit events and for imaging the Cerenkov rings is then discussed. Finally, the outlook for reaching the sub-picosecond resolutions and the posibility of using the GasToF detectors for particle ID are discussed.
Please indicate "poster" or "plenary" session. Final decision will be made by session coordinators. plenary

Auteur principal

Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (UCLouvain/CERN)


Junhui Liao (UCLouvain) Luc Bonnet (UCLouvain) Nicolas Schul (UCLouvain)

Documents de présentation