Dark Matter Candidates
Neutralinos, super-WIMP dark matter, non-supersymmetric dark matter, leptophilic dark matter, axions, Q-balls, Kaluza-Klein dark matter, WIMP dark matter, sterile neutrinos,... -
Plenary Speakers :
- Bayesian constraints on supersymmetric neutralino dark matter - Roberto Ruiz de Austri (Valencia)
- On the stability of particle dark matter - Thomas Hambye (ULB)
- Super-WIMP dark matter - Manoj Kaplinghat (UC Irvine)
- Axions - Pierre Sikivie (Florida)
- Feebly Interacting Dark Matter - John March-Russell (Oxford)
- Sterile neutrino dark matter - Oleg Ruchayskiy (Lausanne)
Dark Matter Direct Searches
microwave cavity searches, CDMS, XENON, XMASS, DAMA, EdelweissII, CresstII, ZeplinIII, ArDM, LUX, DEEP/CLEAN, Eureca, WARP,... -
Plenary Speakers :
- Theoretical Perspectives on DAMA in Light of Recent Searches - Neal Weiner (New York)
- Microwave cavity searches for axions - Les Rosenberg (Seattle)
- CDMS - Tarek Saab (Florida)
- Xenon - Marc Schumann (Zurich)
- DAMA - Pierluigi Belli (Rome)
- Edelweiss-II - Eric Armengaud (CEA/IRFU)
- Cresst-II - Wolfgang Seidel (Munich)
- Zeplin-III - Tim Sumner (Imperial College)
- ArDM - Filippo Resnati (CERN)
- LUX - Tom Shutt (Case Western)
- DEAP/CLEAN - Mark Boulay (Queen's University)
- EURECA - Hans Kraus (Oxford)
Dark Matter Indirect Searches
the Pamela/Atic/Fermi anomaly, cosmic ray neutrinos, photons, antiprotons, positrons, cosmic ray propagation uncertainties, multi channel cosmic ray signatures of dark matter, dark matter signatures in the CMBR,... -
Plenary Speakers :
- Positrons and Antiprotons - Piergiorgio Picozza (Roma 2)
- Gamma-rays - Jan Conrad (Stockholm)
- IceCube - Carlos Perez de los Heros (Uppsala)
- Antares - Pascal Gay (LPC)
- The Pamela/Atic/Fermi Anomaly - Dark Matter or not ? - Julien Lavalle (Torino)
- Cosmic Ray propagation uncertainties and Dark Matter - Richard Taillet (Annecy)
- Multi-channel cosmic ray signatures of dark matter - Joakim Edsjö (Stockholm)
- Constraining neutrinos masses in the PLANCK era - Stephane Plaszczynski (Orsay)
- Radio and Microwave Constraints on Dark Matter - Douglas Finkbeiner (Harvard)
Structure Formation & N-body simulations
numerical simulations of structure formation with dark matter, simulations including baryons, understanding the Galactic center, the Lyman-alpha forest, weak lensing, dwarf galaxies, tidal streams, CDM galaxy core/satellite problems, dark stars,... -
Plenary Speakers :
- Baryons in structure formation simulations - Andrew Zentner (Pittsburgh)
- Do we understand the Galactic Center ? - Joe Silk (Oxford)
- Dwarf Galaxies, Milky Way satelites, and stellar streams - Wyn Evans (Cambridge)
Dark Matter Searches at the LHC
expectations, experimental issues, meta-stable new particles,... -
Plenary Speakers :
- Theoretical expectations of dark matter detection at the LHC - Howard Baer (Oklahoma)
- Experimental Issues of Dark Matter Detection at the LHC - Claus Horn (SLAC)
- Metastable Particles at the LHC - Chris Hill (Bristol)
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