Kei Kotake
(Fukuoka University)
30/05/2017 16:30
Invited talk
Based on our 3D(-GR) simulations with spectral (or gray) neutrino
transport using non-rotating and rapidly rotating progenitors,
we report the gravitational-wave (GW) signatures and discuss the
detectability in both 2nd and 3rd generation interferometers.
We also discuss how we can extract information of the central engine
based on detailed correlation analysis of the GW and neutrino signals.
Francesco Salemi
(AEI - Hannover)
30/05/2017 17:05
Contributed talk
During their first observational run (O1), the two Advanced LIGO detectors attained an unprecedented sensitivity, resulting in the first direct detections of gravitational-wave signals produced by stellar-mass binary black hole systems. We present here the results of the O1 all-sky search for gravitational waves (GWs) from merging intermediate mass black hole binaries (IMBHBs). Two independent...
Kazuhiro Hayam
(KAGRA Observatory, ICRR, U tokyo)
30/05/2017 17:20
Contributed talk
We propose to employ the circular polarization of gravitational waves emitted by core-collapse supernovae as an unequivocal indication of rapid rotation deep in their cores just prior to collapse. It has been demonstrated by three dimensional simulations that nonaxisymmetric accretion flows may develop spontaneously via hydrodynamical instabilities in the postbounce cores. It is not...
Philippe Bacon
(Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie)
30/05/2017 17:35
Contributed talk
The first direct detection of gravitational waves (GW) showed that un-modeled search pipelines can reliably detect "heavy" binary black holes (BBH). Un-modeled searches such as Coherent WaveBurst (cWB) make minimal assumptions on the target signal. Operationally this implies that those search algorithms do not impose constraints on the clusters of significant time-frequency coefficients...