30 mai 2017 à 2 juin 2017
Impérial Palace
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The status of phenomenological inspiral-merger-ringdown waveform models

31 mai 2017, 10:05
Impérial Palace

Impérial Palace

Allée de l'Impérial, Annecy
Contributed talk Binary Black Hole Science


Dr Sebastian Khan (AEI Hannover)


The interpretation of gravitational waves from coalescing compact binaries relies on accurate source models which are used in complex data analysis techniques. State-of-the-art models used in LIGO analyses make a number of assumptions that may severely limit their accuracy for systems with, e.g., asymmetric masses or large misaligned spin magnitudes that cause precession. In this talk I discuss the the next generation of inspiral-merger-ringdown "Phenomenological" waveform models which will include higher harmonic contributions and an improved description of the precession dynamics. Achieving this level of accuracy will allow us to more accurately measure source parameters and test for evidence of precession.

Auteur principal

Dr Sebastian Khan (AEI Hannover)


Dr Frank Ohme (AEI Hannover) Dr Lionel London (Cardiff University) Prof. Mark Hannam (Cardiff University) Dr Sascha Husa (UIB)

Documents de présentation