12–19 mars 2016
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Global analysis of b-->sll anomalies

13 mars 2016, 09:15
Ordinary Theory Heavy Flavours


Dr Lars Hofer (UB Barcelona)


Recently, the LHC has found several anomalies in exclusive semileptonic b --> s l l decays with a combined significance of more than 4 sigma. After a brief discussion of the hadronic uncertainties entering the theoretical prediction for the relevant decays, I present an interpretation of the data in terms of new physics. Based on model-independent global fits of the effective Wilson coefficients to the data, the discrimination between high-scale new physics and low-energy QCD effects as well as the possibility of lepton-flavour universality violation are discussed.

Auteurs principaux

Dr Javier Virto (University of Siegen) Prof. Joaquim Matias (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona) Dr Lars Hofer (UB Barcelona) Dr Sébastien Descotes-Genon (LPT Orsay)

Documents de présentation