8:30 AM
Final states with 3rd generation quarks @13 TeV in ATLAS and CMS
Pieter Everaerts
(University of California, Los Angeles)
8:55 AM
An elementary Goldstone Higgs
Aurora Meroni
(CP3-Origins, SDU)
9:15 AM
H Effective Theory and the Geometry of Scalar Field Space
Elizabeth Jenkins
9:35 AM
Searches for supersymmetry in events with one or more leptons using the ATLAS and CMS experiments
Henning Kirschenmann
10:20 AM
Searches for Boosted Di-Bosons Resonances with the ATLAS and CMS detectors
Massimiliano Bellomo
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)
10:45 AM
Scalar Hint from the Diboson Excess?
Aldo Deandrea
11:05 AM
LR models and dibosons
JoAnne Hewett
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
11:25 AM
Combination of Run1 anomalies @ high mass and summary of Run2 observations
Maurizio Pierini