15–17 déc. 2014
Ecole Polytechnique
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Liste des Contributions

22 / 22
15/12/2014 15:00
boris hippolyte (IPHC - Strasbourg)
15/12/2014 16:00
Dr Li Yan (IPhT, CEA)
15/12/2014 16:30
Dr Yetkin Yilmaz (LLR)
15/12/2014 17:00
bernard pire (cpht polytechnique)
16/12/2014 09:00
Dr Ying WANG (institute of physics nuclear of Orsay, University Paris-sud)
16/12/2014 12:15
Dr Francois Gelis (IPhT)
16/12/2014 14:00
Dr Antoine Lardeux (SPhN, Saclay)
16/12/2014 14:30
Dr Aleksander Kusina (LPSC, Grenoble)
16/12/2014 15:00
Prof. Piet MULDERS (Nikhef and VU University)
16/12/2014 16:00
Dr Marie BOER (IRUF/SPhN and IPNO)
16/12/2014 16:45
Dominique Rebreyend (LPSC/CNRS-IN2P3/UJF)
17/12/2014 09:45