Luiz Henrique Vale Silva
Left-Right Models (LRM) attempt at giving an understanding of the violation of parity (or charge-conjugation) by the weak interactions in the SM through a similar description of left- and right-handed currents at high energies. The spontaneous symmetry breaking of $ SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{(B-L)} $ is usually triggered by an enlarged Higgs sector, usually consisting of two triplet fields (left-right symmetry breaking) and a bi-doublet (electroweak symmetry breaking). I reconsider an alternative LRM with doublet instead of triplet fields. After explaining some features of this model, I discuss constraints on its parameters using electroweak precision observables (combined using the CKMfitter frequentist statistical framework) and neutral-meson mixing observables.
Auteur principal
Luiz Henrique Vale Silva