16–19 juin 2014
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


3rd circular : 11/06/2014



Dear Participants,

here are the latest informations on the Paris GRB workshop.


Unfortunately due to unavoidable works a total power outage is foreseen on Wednesday 18th of june on the IPGP site. Hence the Wednesday session will take place at the ENSA in Paris, while on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday the workshop will be, as originally planned, at the IPGP site. All the details to reach the ENSA site are given on the Workshop web page. The following link shows you a situation map of the three important sites of the workshop (IPGP, ENSA and Café barge for the social dinner) : https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zoeH13rES5XQ.kVMawUuPW_Fc


Programme: the final program and the abstract booklet are now available on the workshop web site (Scientific Programme).


Posters: the poster format will be A0. The posters will be on display during the whole duration of the conference (except on Wednesday, see above) nearby to the coffee break.


Presentations: A Mac/OS X will be available to upload your presentations. Powepoint, Keynote, and Adobe Acrobat Reader will be installed. If you fear any compatibility issue (eg. PC vs. Mac), please prefer the PDF format for your presentations. We strongly encourage the use of PDF whenever possible.


See you soon in Paris.

   Cyril Lachaud (for the LOC)



2nd circular : 26/02/2014

Dear Colleagues,

this is to inform you that the registration and abstract submission is now open for the "Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Multi-messenger Era" workshop, organized in the framework of the LabEx UnivEarthS. The workshop will take place from june 16th to 19th 2014 in Paris. It will cover the following subjects:

* GRB prompt and afterglow emission

* GRB progenitors

* Particle acceleration mechanisms, radiation processes, neutrinos and UHECR

* Neutrino detection techniques and experiments

* Gravitational waves detection techniques and experiments

* GRB Science with future space and ground-based experiments


Please register using the workshop website at http://www.grbparis2014.fr. The registration and abstract submission will be closed on March 31st 2014 and the scientific program will be published tentatively around April 15th. 


Please note that the number of participants will be limited to about 100, and priority will be given according to the registation order. Some support for the participation of young scientists will be provided by the organisation in terms of waiving of the registration fee. For the regular participants the registration fee will be of 150 Euro per person. This fee includes a welcome cocktail, a social dinner and the coffee breaks.


The preliminary list of invited speakers includes:


B. Cordier (CEA), A. McFadyen (NY Univ., TBC), S. Fairhurst (Cardiff Univ.), N. Gehrels (NASA GSFC), G. Ghirlanda (INAF),  P. Hello (LAL), A. Kouchner (APC), S. Inoue (ICRR Tokyo, TBC), M. Lemoine (IAP), K. Murase (IAS, TBC), R. Mochkowitch (IAP), P. O'Brien (Leicester Univ.), R. Perna (Stonybrook Univ.), L. Piro (INAF, TBC), I. Lhenry-Yvon (IPNO), B. Zhang (UNLV).


Remember to book your hotel early, since june is the high touristic season in Paris.


D. Gotz on behalf of the SOC/LOC.

1st circular : 18/01/2014

Dear Colleagues,
this is the first announcement for an international workshop on the theme of "Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Multi-messenger Era" to be held from June 16th to 19th 2014 in Paris, France, in the framework of the Labex UnivEarthS. Full information will be available at http://www.GRBParis2014.fr
Scientific Rationale
Despite the recent progress in Gamma-Ray Burst science, obtained in particular thanks to the Swift and Fermi satellites, there are still many open questions in the field. One concerns the mechanisms that power these extreme explosions, which are still unclear after more than four decades since their discovery. In particular the content of the relativistic flow that produce the GRBs remains to be investigated: especially in terms of its geometry, bulk Lorentz factor, magnetization, and baryon loading, and internal dissipation mechanisms. The nature of GRB progenitors is also debated. While there is a consensus on progenitors of long GRBs, as being very massive stars, the situation is less clear for what concerns the short GRBs: the most popular models involve the possibility of a coalescence of two compact objects (NS+NS/NS+BH), but a direct proof of this model is still lacking. In addition, an important issue is the possibility for GRBs to be the source of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic-Rays (UHECR). 
All these questions can be tackled with the use of upcoming neutrino and gravitational waves facilities, the so-called new-messengers. First neutrino candidates from a cosmic source have been recently detected by IceCube but they could not be correlated with any precise astrophysical source. While no direct observation of gravitational waves has yet been claimed, it is widely believed that a first detection could plausibly occur in the near future. GRBs are among electromagnetic counterpart candidates, and a simultaneous detection would represent a major milestones bridging neutrino and gravitational wave observations with conventional astronomy. 
Neutrinos could play an important role in understanding the mechanisms of cosmic-ray acceleration, and their detection from a cosmic
source would be a direct evidence of the presence of hadronic acceleration. The production of neutrinos of 100 TeV then necessitates the acceleration of protons up to PeV energies and is therefore expected independently of the question to know if GRBs are the source of UHECRs. Depending on the details of the model considered, these high-energy neutrinos are emitted in coincidence with, or as a precursor signal to gamma-ray emission.  
A new generation of gravitational wave detectors, Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and Kagra, are currently under construction and will reach their design sensitivity around 2018-2020. Thanks to the ten-fold improvement in sensitivity with respect to the previous generation, these detectors are likely to make the first direct detection of gravitational waves. GRBs are believed to be an important source of gravitational waves, since post-Newtonian theory predicts a distinctive gravitational-wave chirp signal from the inspiral stage of NS-NS or NS-BH coalescences, so that the detection of such a signal associated with a short GRB would provide "smoking gun" evidence for the binary nature of the GRB progenitor. In addition recent studies are also focusing on the possibility of GW emission from long GRB.
This workshop will cover the following topics:
* GRB prompt and afterglow emission over the entire electromagnetic spectrum
* GRB progenitors
* Particle acceleration mechanisms and UHECR
* GRB radiation processes including neutrino production processes
* Neutrino detection techniques and experiments
* GW detection techniques and experiments
* GRB Science with future experiments
Venue and dates
The workshop will be held at the Institut de Physique du Globe (IPGP) in Paris and its goal is to provide the framework for an exchange between the
electromagnetic Gamma-Ray Bursts community and the scientists involved in non-photonic messenger experiments. In order for all the communities to take advantage of the workshop, several reviews will be presented by international experts in the different fields, from the theoretical and the experimental point of view. Shorter contributed talks and posters will also be accepted, and the abstracts shall be submitted through the conference web page. In addition to regular talks part of the time will be devoted to open discussions.
Some funding will be available to support young scientists with approved contributions.  The registration and abstract submission will be opened on February 15th 2014, and will be closed on March 31th. The tentative date for the scientific programme is
April 15th.
Scientific Organizing Committee:
D. Allard (APC Paris)
J.L. Atteia (IRAP Toulouse)
B. Baret (APC Paris)
S. Basa (LAM Marseille)
E. Chassande-Mottin (APC Paris)
D. Götz (CEA Saclay/Irfu, Chair)
F. Daigne (IAP Paris)
C. Lachaud (APC Paris)
N. Leroy (LAL Orsay)
T. Stolarczyk (CEA Saclay/Irfu)
S. Vergani (GEPI Meudon)
J. Wei (NAOC Beijing)
S.-N. Zhang (IHEP Beijing)
Local Organizing Committee:
V. Beckmann (APC Paris)
A. Claret (CEA Saclay/Irfu)
B. Cordier (CEA Saclay/Irfu)
C. Lachaud (APC Paris, Chair)
V. Savchenko (APC, Paris)
S. Schanne (CEA Saclay/Irfu)