Search for a light SM Higgs with the ATLAS detector
DrLorenzo Feligioni(CPPM)
Amphi de Recherche
Amphi de Recherche
While the Standard Model of strong and electroweak interactions
is an extremely well tested theory, it still needs the
experimental confirmation
of the Higgs mechanism of electroweak
symmetry breaking, which will be given by the discovery
of the Higgs boson.
The global fit of Higgs boson contributions to the electroweak
experimental observables, computed within the Standard Model,
favors a light Higgs with a mass of mH=76+33-25 GeV,
on the edge of the 95% Confidence
Level region excluded at the LEP e+ e- collider.
The ATLAS detector, located at the Large Hadron Collider, CERN, Switzerland, will start
to be operative by the end of the summer 2008 with
the aim of collecting approximately 30 fb-1 of 14 TeV pp collision
in the next three years.
The case of a light Higgs boson is experimentally the most
difficult scenario, where no striking signatures can lead to an early discovery.
I will give a review of several analyses that if used in combination
will ensure the detection of this elusive particle.
At the LHC the Higgs production mechanism with the largest cross section
is gluon fusion (gg -> H). Unfortunately this channel can not be combined
with the favorable decay into b-quark pairs (dominant for mH~ 135 GeV)
since the presence of a large QCD bb background.
For this reason, the ttH channel, thanks to the top
quark identification algorithms, is the most
promising production mechanism for the detection of H ->bb
and a unique possibility of accessing the top Yukawa coupling.
Despite the small branching fraction, the fine segmentation
of ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter allows also to
consider gg -> H in association with
an Higgs decaying in two photons. In addition, the VBF production with a
subsequent decay into tau pairs has been
shown to be a promising channel for the low mass region.
The success of these challenging analysis relies on the
quality of the understanding of the ATLAS detector
together with the assessment of the performance with the first data.