22–24 avr. 2008
Palais Neptune Conference Center, Toulon
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Study of the calibration potential of HELYCON detectors with ANTARES

23 avr. 2008, 10:10
Salle Raimu-A (Palais Neptune Conference Center, Toulon)

Salle Raimu-A

Palais Neptune Conference Center, Toulon

Palais des Congrès Neptune Place de Besagne Centre Commercial Mayol
Contributed talk Parallel Session on Physics Parallel session on Physics


Dr Jean-Pierre Ernenwein (Université de Haute Alsace)


The "HEllenic LYceum Cosmic Observatories Network" (HELYCON) collaboration is constructing a network of detector stations dedicated to the study of Extensive Air Showers. The use of HELYCON detectors is also envisaged for the calibration of a cubic kilometer scale Mediterranean neutrino telescope by means of an array of these detectors at the sea surface. The ANTARES framework is well-suited to perform a first test of the principle: a feasibility study is on-going and a test in real conditions is foreseen. In this talk the requirements for evaluating the calibration potential of a surface array in the ANTARES context are discussed.

Auteur principal

Dr Jean-Pierre Ernenwein (Université de Haute Alsace)

Documents de présentation