22–24 avr. 2008
Palais Neptune Conference Center, Toulon
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Calibration from ten to hundreds of meters in an underwater neutrino telescope

23 avr. 2008, 15:45
Salle Colbert (Palais Neptune Conference Center, Toulon)

Salle Colbert

Palais Neptune Conference Center, Toulon

Palais des Congrès Neptune Place de Besagne Centre Commercial Mayol
Contributed talk Parallel Session on Engineering for deep deployment neutrino telescopes Parallel session on Engineering for deep deployment neutrino telescopes


M. Spyridon Koutsoukos (NOA / Nestor)


A critical review of the available calibration techniques will be given. We will discuss the effect of the optical properties of water on different candidate light sources and the difficulties from an engineering and electronics point of view. The merits of candidate light sources will be compared

Auteur principal

M. Spyridon Koutsoukos (NOA / Nestor)

Documents de présentation