DIRAC Developer Meeting – 7/04/2011
‐ Andrei Tsaregorodtsev (AT)
‐ Adrian Casajus (AC)
‐ Federico Stagni (FS)
‐ Matvey Sapunov (MS)
‐ Ricardo Graciani (RG)
‐ Stephane Poss (SP)
‐ Vanessa Hamar (VH)
Chair: A.Tsaregorodtsev
Minutes: A.Tsaregorodtsev
1. Report on LHCb/DIRAC week.
Andrei reported on the LHCb/DIRAC week - a 3 days workshop 21-23 March. The slides are attached to the agenda.
The highlights are:
DIRAC and LHCbDIRAC codes are separated, this will be followed by the code repository separation shortly.
DIRAC software will be migrated to a distributed versions control system (DVCS), Git and Mercurial are evaluated.
Discussion of the DataManagement development:
- File Catalog
- Dynamic Data Placement
- Storage Usage Monitoring
- FTS, Staging traceability
- Bulk async removal operations
Discussion of the Resource Status System
- Federico reported a good progress in the RSS development as the source of the status information. Effort
should be taken to ensure that this service can stand a heavy load.
Discussion of the certification procedure
- Federico reported evaluation of the QM test tools used for the LHCb nightlies tests. This tool looks to be not
supported any more. Evaluating
nose - python unittest based testing framework. Can still use the LHCb web
portal used for nightlies tests monitor for reporting the test results.
- Stephane expressed interest in the certification procedure for the ILC case.
Discussion of the Documentation
- Standardize on sphynx + epydoc to produce guides and code documentation correspondingly
2. The DIRAC Web Site prototype
- Available for comments here http://diracgrid.org
- Gives access to news, documentation, bug tracker, etc
- Comments are welcome for the site appearance and functionality improvements
3. DIRAC releases
Current production release is v5r13p1 available from 6th April. The new major release v6r0 with the new
DISET implementation is being prepared and will be ready for testing within 2 weeks. The intention is to
prepare the release with the new release tools with the Git code repository. Together with the v6r0 DIRAC
release (but not tightly coupled ) the new Externals release will be prepared based on python 2.6, updated
versions of several packages and reduced size of the tar balls.
4. DIRAC developments
Small workshop took place 4-6th April in Marseille (Ricardo, Adria, Andrei, Matvey, Vanessa). Discussed topics
- WMS developments
- Managing multiple VOs in a single DIRAC installation
- Software management from code development to deployment
- Documentation
- Web Site
The elaborated agreements will be formulated as DEP ( DIRAC Enhancement Proposal ) documents to invite comments, criticism and suggestions for improvements.
5. AOB
For the Barcelona workshop the registration is open here
and the agenda page is available here
Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement.
Les afficher.