20–27 juil. 2011
Alpes Congrès - Alpexpo
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Precise measurements of the top mass and direct measurement of the mass difference between top and antitop quarks at D0

21 juil. 2011, 15:00
Stendhal (Universe)



Parallel session talk Top and Electroweak Physics Top and Electroweak Physics


Gianluca Petrillo (University of Rochester)


We report on measurements of the top quark mass using dilepton and lepton+jet data collected with the D0 detector. These results are compared to the top mass extracted from the $t\bar{t}$ cross section using higher-order quantum chromodynamics calculations. We also present a direct measurement of the mass difference between top and antitop quarks ($\Delta m$) in lepton+jets $t\bar{t}$ final states using the “matrix element” method.


Dr Marco VERZOCCHI (Fermilab)

Documents de présentation