Top and Electroweak Physics
- Jan Stark (Stark)
Top and Electroweak Physics
- Stefan Dittmaier Dittmaier (University of Freiburg)
Top and Electroweak Physics
- Marjorie Shapiro (LBL)
Top and Electroweak Physics
- Andrea Ferroglia (New York City College of Technology)
Top and Electroweak Physics
- Jan Stark (Stark)
Top and Electroweak Physics
- Jan Stark (Stark)
Top and Electroweak Physics
- Massimo Passera
Top and Electroweak Physics
- Vivek Sharma
Top and Electroweak Physics
- Johann Kuehn
Top and Electroweak Physics
- Giulia Zanderighi
Roberto Bonciani
7/21/11, 9:00โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Shabnam Jabeen
(Brown University)
7/21/11, 9:30โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present studies of single top production using the D0 experiment. Single top events are selected with an isolated electron or muon missing transverse energy, two, three or four jets, with one or of them identified as originating from the fragmentation of $b$ quarks. From the cross section measurement we obtain new bounds on the Kobayashi-Maskawa $|V_{tb}|$ matrix element. A...
Dominic Hirschbuehl
7/21/11, 9:50โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present the result of searches for single top-quark production in the t- and
Wt-channels in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. The
t-channel search is based on the selection of events with a single lepton (muon
or electron), jets and missing transverse energy. The Wt-channel analysis is
based on the selection of events with one or two leptons, jets and missing...
Alberto Orso Maria Iorio
(stituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
7/21/11, 10:10โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present a measurement of the inclusive single top production cross
section in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at a centre-of-mass
energy of 7 TeV, using data collected with the CMS experiment during
the year 2011. The analysis considers decay channels where the W from
the top decays into electron-neutrino or muon-neutrino, and makes
use of kinematic characteristics of electroweak...
Christian Schwanenberger
(University of Manchester)
7/21/11, 11:00โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present measurements of the inclusive top quark pair production
cross section in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV
utilizing data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. Results for the lepton (e or mu)+jet, dilepton, tau+jet and fully hadronic decay modes are provided. We also present a measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry in top...
Andreas Meyer
7/21/11, 11:30โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present several measurements of the top-pair production cross
section in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at a centre-of-mass
energy of 7 TeV. We use data collected with the CMS experiment during
the year 2011. Measurements are presented in the lepton+jets final
state, where events are selected by requiring exactly one isolated
and highly energetic muon or electron, and at least...
Andreas Scharf
(SUNY Buffalo)
7/21/11, 12:00โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
I want to discuss the next-to-leading order QCD
corrections to the production of a top-quark pair in association
with a hard photon. This process allows a direct measurement
of the top quark electromagnetic couplings.
For a realistic description of this process we incorporated top quark and W-boson decays using the narrow width approximation. Photon radiation off top quark decay products...
Andreas von Manteuffel
(University of Zurich)
7/21/11, 12:20โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
At LHC, top-quark pair production is an important process to test the
Standard Model and search for new physics. I discuss an analytical approach to the virtual corrections at NNLO in QCD. Some technical details will be given for the methods employed in the calculation.
Ben Pecjak
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz)
7/21/11, 12:40โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Techniques and results concerning soft gluon resummation at the level
of total and differential cross sections
in top-quark pair production at hadron colliders are presented.
In particular, the theoretical framework underlying resummation
at NLO+NNLL level for differential cross sections is briefly review,
and the consequences for observables such as the total inclusive
Maria Jose Costa
7/21/11, 2:30โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present measurements of the top-quark pair-production in proton-proton
collisions at sqrt(s)= 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron
Collider. The cross section is measured in several channels, including the
single lepton, dilepton and all hadronic channel, some using information from
Gianluca Petrillo
(University of Rochester)
7/21/11, 3:00โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We report on measurements of the top quark mass using dilepton and lepton+jet data collected with the D0 detector. These results are compared to the top mass extracted from the $t\bar{t}$ cross section using higher-order quantum chromodynamics calculations. We also present a direct measurement of the mass difference between top and antitop quarks ($\Delta m$) in lepton+jets $t\bar{t}$ final...
Amanda Deisher
7/21/11, 3:30โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present measurements of various differential cross sections in top
pair production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at a
centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. We use data collected by the CMS
experiment during the year 2011. Cross sections are measured
differentially as a function of various variables.
We also present a measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-pair
production. In...
Anne-Isabelle ETIENVRE
7/21/11, 3:45โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present a measurement of the top-quark mass in proton-proton collisions at =
7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The top mass is
extracted directly in the single lepton channel with template methods and
indirectly from the measurement of the production cross-section.
Karolos Potamianos
(Purdue University)
7/21/11, 4:30โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present the recent results of top-quark physics using up to 8fb-1 of ppbar collisions analyzed by the CDF collaboration. The large number of top quark events analyzed, of the order of several thousands, allows stringent checks of the Standard Model predictions. Also, the top quark is widely believed to be a window to new physics. We will present the latest measurements of top quark...
Martijn Mulders
7/21/11, 5:00โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present measurements of the top quark mass in proton-proton
collisions at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV using
data collected by the CMS experiment during the year 2011.
Measurements are presented in all possible final states originating
from top-pair production, and the different reconstruction methods
to extract the top quark mass are discussed. Particular emphasis...
Alexander Grohsjean
(CEA Saclay Irfu/SPP)
7/21/11, 5:30โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
A number of results on the production and decay properties of top quark are presented. Results include a study of spin correlations in ttbar production, a search for favor changing neutral currents in top decays, a measurement of color-flow in ttbar events and a measurement of the W boson helicity.
Pamela Ferrari
7/21/11, 6:00โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present results on top quark decay properties using data collected in 7 TeV
LHC proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector, including W boson
polarisation in top quark decays and the search for FCNC in decays of top
Tobias Kasprzik
7/22/11, 9:00โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Dimitri Bourilkov
(University of Florida)
7/22/11, 9:30โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Measurements of inclusive W, Z and Drell Yan production cross sections and the W lepton charge asymmetry in pp collisions at 7 TeV center-of-mass energy, based on data recorded by the CMS detector at thE LHC in 2010 and 2011 are presented. The measurements are performed in the electron and muon channels. The charge asymmetry measurements cover the central region up to 2.4 in lepton pseudo...
Tara Shears
7/22/11, 10:00โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We report on measurements of W and Z boson production, using muon final state
topologies, with the LHCb experiment and using data taken at centre of mass energy of 7 TeV. Measurements of the inclusive W and Z production cross-sections, Z (W)
differential cross-sections as a function of boson rapidity (muon pseudorapidity), their
ratios, and the W charge asymmetry are presented and compared...
Ryan Reece
(University of Pennsylvania)
7/22/11, 11:00โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Differential and inclusive cross sections for electroweak boson production are presented, in the electron,
muon and tau decay channels. The data are compared to the predictions of next-to-leading-order and, where
available, next-to-next-leading order QCD.
Hengne LI
7/22/11, 11:20โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present precision measurements of the properties of W and Z
bosons using D0 data. These include a measurement of W boson mass
using the electron decay channel and the charged asymmetry in the muo decay channel We also present a direct measurement of the W boson width using the events with large transverse mass and the mass
dependence of the forward-backward charge asymmetry in...
Andrea Messina
7/22/11, 11:45โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Differential and inclusive cross sections for electroweak boson production in association with jets are presented,
in the electron and muon decay channels. Inclusive jet distributions, multiplicities and ratios are presented, as
well as measurements of jets containing B-hadrons. The data are compared to the predictions of next-to-leading-order.
Monika Grothe
(Univ. of Wisconsin)
7/22/11, 12:05โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present studies of the associated production of jets with vector bosons in pp collisions at 7-TeV center-of-mass energy at the LHC, based on data recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC in 2010 and 2011. The jet multiplicity distributions are efficiency corrected and unfolded. The studies extend to the measurement of b-jets in association with Z bosons, and of charm-jets in association with...
Roberto Bonciani
7/22/11, 2:30โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Drell-Yan production of Z and W bosons is a very important process for physics studies at hadron colliders. At the moment, the theoretical prediction includes the NNLO calculation in QCD, together with the resummation of logarithmic terms coming from soft gluon emission up to the next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. In the talk, I will present the analytic calculation of the mixed...
Trevor Stewart
7/22/11, 2:50โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Measurements of the cross sections for charged current deep inelastic
scattering in e+p collisions with a longitudinally polarised positron beam
are presented. The measurements are based on a data sample with an
integrated luminosity of 132 pb-1 collected with the ZEUS detector at HERA
in 2006 and 2007 at a centre-of-mass energy of 318 GeV. The total cross
section is presented at...
Trevor Stewart
7/22/11, 3:05โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
The cross sections for neutral current deep inelastic scattering in
e+p collisions with a longitudinally polarised positron beam have been
measured using the ZEUS detector at HERA. The single-differential
cross-sections dsigma/dQ^2, dsigma/dx and dsigma/dy and the
double-differential cross sections in Q^2 and x are measured in the
kinematic region Q^2 > 185 GeV^2 for both positively...
Eram Rizvi
7/22/11, 3:20โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Using the deep inelastic e+p and e-p neutral and charged current scattering cross sections, including data with polarised electron beams, a combined electroweak and QCD analysis is performed to determine vector and axial-vector couplings vq and aq of light quarks u and d to the Z0 boson accounting for their correlation with parton distributions. The precision has been improved in particular...
Ursula Bassler
7/22/11, 4:30โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
The diboson cross sections in the WZ,ZZ,Wgamma and Zgamma channels
are measured using data collected with by the D0 experiment.
The results are compared to SM predictions and constraints are set
on anomolous triple gauge couplings.
7/22/11, 5:00โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present studies of diboson production in pp collisions at 7 TeV center-of-mass energy based on data recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC in 2010 and 2011. These include precise measurements of W and Z production in association with a photon and of WW production, as well as possible first observations of WZ and ZZ productions at the LHC. The results are interpreted in terms of constraints...
Song-Ming Wang
7/22/11, 5:30โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Measurements are presented of high energy photons produced in association with W and Z bosons in pp collisions
at โs = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. The analysis uses W and Z bosons selected with leptonic (e/ยต) decays.
Subsets of these events are identi๏ฌed by demanding an electromagnetic object passing isolated photon selection
criteria. We isolate signals of p + p โ l + ฮฝ + ฮณ + X and...
Alexander Oh
7/22/11, 5:45โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
Measurements of the diboson cross sections in the WW,WZ,and ZZ channels are presented. The data are compared to SM predictions and constraints are set on anomolous triple gauge couplings.
Giovanni Ossola
(New York City College of Technology - CUNY)
7/22/11, 6:05โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
There are several solutions on the market for the automated computation of multi-particle scattering amplitudes at the one-loop
level. In this presentation I will review the results obtained in the past year and describe the main features of the Golem/Samurai
approach, that employs a d-dimensional extension of the OPP reduction method, in combination with an automated generation of...
Tatyana Dimova
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia)
7/23/11, 9:00โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
The results of the first data taking run in the 1-2 GeV range with
SND detector at VEPP-2000 e+e- collider are presented. The reported data
are based on the integrated luminosity of 5.5pb^{-1}. The preliminary results on multihadron cross sections, e.g., e+e->\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0, 2\pi^0\gamma, \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\pi^0 are obtained. The future program is discussed.
Simon Eidelman
(Budker Institute)
7/23/11, 9:15โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
The CMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider in the Budker Institute in Novosibirsk collected about 20/pb in the center-of-mass energy range from 1 to 2 GeV during the first year of operation. First results on the hadronic cross sections are reported important for improving the precision of the theoretical predictions for the muon anomalous magnetic moment.
Graziano Venanzoni
(INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
7/23/11, 9:30โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
The KLOE experiment at the $\phi$ factory DA$\Phi$NE in Frascati
(near Rome) is the first to have employed Initial State Radiation (ISR)
to precisely determine the $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)$ cross section below 1 GeV. Such a measurement is particularly important to test the Standard Model calculation for the (g-2) of the muon, where a long standing 3$\sigma$ discrepancy is...
Susanne Westhoff
(Mainz University)
7/23/11, 11:00โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
A theory review of the forward-backward anomaly observed in top-quark pair production at the Tevatron is presented. I discuss various attempts to explain the large forward-backward asymmetry by physics beyond the Standard Model model. Significants constraints arise from flavour and electroweak precision observables, as well as direct production of new particles at hadron colliders. A large...
Costas Vellidis
7/23/11, 11:30โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
In elementary particle physics, symmetry is fundamental to the theories we use to describe the world in which we live. A discrepancy in a symmetry predicted by the standard model can perhaps point to new types of physics, to an anomaly in the data, or it can demonstrate that current theories need revision. Since 2006, scientists at CDF and D0 have been studying the forward backward asymmetry...
7/23/11, 11:50โฏAM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
We present measurements of the integrated forward-backward charge asymmetry in $t\bar{t}$ production
in $p\bar{p}$ collisions using data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider,
using both the lepton+jets and dilepton final states. We present the raw measurement as well as results
obtained after correcting for acceptance and detector effects and present also...
Nejc Kosnik
7/23/11, 12:10โฏPM
Top and Electroweak Physics
Parallel session talk
The experimental results on the $t \bar t$ production cross section at the Tevatron are well described by the QCD contributions within the standard model, while the recent measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry cannot be accounted for within this framework. This discrepancy can be explained by an exchange of a colored weak singlet scalar in the $u$-channel. Such state $\Delta$ couples...