Jernej Kamenik
("Jozef Stefan" Institute and INFN LNF)
04/03/2008 18:00
We present an updated phenomenological analysis of MFV models, both at small and large tan beta, in the sector of Delta F=1 processes. We evaluate the bounds on the scale of new physics derived from recent measurements (in particular from B to Xs gamma, B to Xs ll and B to mu mu) and we use such bounds to derive a series of model-independent predictions for future experimental searches in...
Anze Zupanc
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
04/03/2008 18:20
We discuss recent results on charm and tau physics obtained by the Belle and BaBar collaborations. In the charm section we present measurements of D0-D0bar mixing parameters, measurements searching for CP violation in D0 decays and a measurement of D_s meson decay constant. In the tau section the recent results on Lepton Flavor Violation in tau decays to three leptons or a lepton and a vector...
Alexey Petrov
(Wayne State University/MCTP, University of Michigan)
04/03/2008 18:45
Paul Harrison
(University of Warwick)
04/03/2008 19:25
We review the recently proposed flavour-permutation-symmetric mixing observables and discuss their application to quark and lepton mixing matrices,
with particular reference to tri-bimaximal mixing and its viable generalisations. We present an alternative formulation of the same idea which admits a new geometrical representation of mixing.