Giuseppe Barbagli
(INFN Firenze)
03/03/2008 17:00
Marc Besancon
03/03/2008 17:40
Review of the CDF and D0 recent results on top quark pair production cross section measurements, forward backward asymmetry in top quark pair production and searches for resonances decaying into top quark pairs.
Yen-Chu Chen
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC)
03/03/2008 18:00
Ten years after the discovery of the Top quark the mass of it has been well measured assuming that this is really the Top quark of the Standard Model. Both CDF and D0 are collecting more data and just start to be sensitive to important properties of this particle (such as charge) to identify if this is really the Top quark of the Standard Model.
Reinhard Schwienhorst
(Michigan State University)
03/03/2008 18:20
I will present recent results on single top quark production from the D0 and CDF experiments at the Tevatron at Fermilab.
Kellogg Stelle
(Imperial College London)
03/03/2008 18:40
Supergravity was once viewed as a possible solution to the ultraviolet problem of quantum gravity, but subsequent experience dampened the enthusiasm for this possibility, yielding instead to the expectation that only superstring theory can give an acceptable quantum theory. Recent advances in computation, however, raise once more the question whether the maximal N=8, D=4 supergravity might in...
Antonio Limosani
(Melbourne Univ. Australia)
03/03/2008 19:50