Ann Nelson
(University of Washington)
06/03/2008 09:15
A "Chameleon" is a force whose apparent range and strength can depend on the size and density of the source. I discuss how a U(1) gauge force can be chameleonic due to screening from a light charged scalar. Such screening can weaken astrophysical constraints on new gauge bosons, allow a B-L interaction to be strong enough to affect short baseline neutrino oscillations, and change the...
Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
06/03/2008 09:35
I review the interpretation of the LSND signal in terms of sterile neutrino oscillations in the light of MiniBooNE results, considering 1, 2, or 3 sterile neutrinos with eV scale masses. Since no satisfactory fit to the global data is obtained in these cases, I speculate on a non-standard energy dependence of sterile neutrino oscillations, which can significantly improve the fit.
Thomas Hambye Hambye
(Service de Physique Theorique, Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
06/03/2008 10:35
Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress
(Princeton University)
06/03/2008 10:55
Borexino is a large volume, real-time, liquid scintillator detector located at the Gran
Sasso National Laboratory in Italy. The principal objective of the detector is to measure mono energetic (862 keV) Be-7 neutrinos from the sun present with a count rate of several tens of events per day. Measurement at this level requires an extremely low internal background due to natural radioactivity...