1–8 mars 2008
La Thuile
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Kaluza-Klein Parity for Randall-Sundrum

3 mars 2008, 17:20
Van Gogh (7th floor) (La Thuile)

Van Gogh (7th floor)

La Thuile

Rencontres de Moriond Planibel Hotel - La Thuile Aosta Valley 11016 La Thuile (Aosta), Italy Phone : 39 (0)1 65 88 45 41 Fax : 39 (0)1 65 88 45 35


M. Adam Falkowski (CERN)


I discuss a class of models with extra dimensions that combines warped geometry of the Randall-Sundrum type and a discrete symmetry called the Kaluza-Klein (KK) parity. These models may address the little hierarchy problem present in the conventional Randall-Sundrum set-up. Moreover, the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle (LKP) is stable and can play the role of dark matter. Collider signals of the warped KK parity are different from either Randall-Sundrum without KK parity, or from Universal Extra Dimensions.

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