Gravitational waves and the QGP-hadron transition in the early universe
Salle Galilée
A new type of gravitational-wave detection of low-frequency based on pulsars (, has revealed as signal that is so far not well described by standard astrophysical explanations as super-massive black holes. If the signal is interpreted as a signal of a first order transition from the early universe, it points to the temperature range of the QGP-hadron transition.
We take this observation as an opportunity for a double seminar at the Orme des merisiers at the 12th of December at 9:30 by Antoine Petiteau and Jacopo Ghiglieri :
9:30 Antoine Petiteau: The gravitational wave signal (working title)
10:15 Coffee break
10:30 Jacopo Ghiglieri: The QCD phase structure relevant for early universe cosmology (working title)
11:15 Open discussion
Antoine is co-author of one of the two publications and PI of LISA-France, a future gravitational wave laboratory based on satellites with a frequency domain interesting for the electroweak phase transition in the early universe.
Jacopo is working on the theory of heavy-ion collisions and the early universe with the help of thermal field theory and effective field theory.
The double seminar takes place at Orme de Merisiers at Salle Galiliée: