Welcome to the Indico site of the EPS-HEP 2025 conference!
This Indico site is used to manage the scientific content of the conference: registration to the scientific sessions, call for abstracts and abstract selection, display of the scientific programme, featuring plenary, parallel and poster sessions. The payment of fees as well as the proceedings will be handled separately from Indico. Please refer to the web site of the EPS-HEP 2025 conference for details.
Instructions regarding the whole process, from registering to the conference up to being granted a contribution at the conference, are detailed in the Instructions menu on this page.
To get help, either on general questions about the conference → email the conference organisers or on specific questions regarding the Indico site → email the EPS-HEP 2025 Indico team.
You would like to come to EPS-HEP 2025 ? You would like to submit an abstract ?
IN2P3 Indico account
You will need to be logged in to the IN2P3 Indico service (hosting this site) at the time of registration as well as for managing your abstract or any further contribution. Please refer to the Getting started instructions menu tab on how to obtain an account.
If you wish to attend any of the EPS-HEP 2025 conference sessions (either on site or remotely), you must register in our Indico EPS-HEP 2025 site (this site) by filling in the registration form. Please follow the information given on the How to register instructions menu tab.
Abstract submission
Abstracts for parallel and poster sessions are collected through Indico. Instructions for abstract submission are given in the Abstracts submitters instructions menu tab.
Key dates