28 octobre 2024 à 1 novembre 2024
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FRIB code of conduct

FRIB code of conduct

Users, visitors, students, and employees at the FRIB Laboratory share a common interest—to contribute to society through scientific discovery. This venture is best conducted when everyone behaves in a professional and respectful manner. The variety of people, ideas, cultures, and educational backgrounds enables the FRIB Laboratory’s scientific research program and is an essential aspect of its mission. 

The FRIB Laboratory is committed to providing an environment that is welcoming for everyone, including all FRIB employees, students, users, visitors, and participants in FRIB-sponsored activities: We behave professionally and respectfully.

To maintain a professional environment that encourages the free expression and exchange of ideas, we expect an atmosphere that is respectful to all in the FRIB Laboratory.

We foster a welcoming and inclusive work environment 

We respect and value differences. We are aware that statements or actions not intended to be offensive to someone could be perceived as such. Even though we may disagree with one another, our ability to communicate with each other fosters common understanding through listening to other people and discovering new ideas.

We cultivate an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation 

Inappropriate behavior and retaliation are barriers to an inclusive culture. Members of the FRIB community are responsible for reviewing and adhering to MSU Policies.

We conduct research with the highest scientific, professional and ethical standards

FRIB scientific users are expected to conduct their research with professional integrity, honesty, and in a manner that fosters a supportive environment and enhances the reputation of the individual researchers and their colleagues, and FRIB in its support of the mission of the US DOE-SC as outlined in the FRIB Research Code of Conduct. 

MSU Policy

MSU policies also provides that some behavior, “even if it does not rise to the level of a policy violation, suggests the need for remedial, educational, or preventive action”. This can include behavior that intimidates, degrades, offends, or humiliates others and is inappropriate in the FRIB Laboratory. 

Support for FRIB Code of Conduct

It is the responsibility of everyone in the community, through our personal commitment to these values, to contribute to an environment of trust and mutual respect. If you experience or witness conduct or behavior inconsistent with our code of conduct, you are strongly encouraged to speak up, and to submit an anonymous employee and student concern using the online form on FRIB’s Portal. Reports will be taken seriously. Consequences for violations will be on a sliding scale from discussion with the individual to denial of use of FRIB facilities.

Suggestions for updating FRIB Code of Conduct

The FRIB welcomes feedback and suggestions to enhance an inclusive FRIB Laboratory. To submit feedback and suggestions regarding promising practices please contact members of the Local Organizing Committee directly. Submissions will be considered and adopted where appropriate.