Oct 28 – 31, 2024
Subatech / IMT-Atlantique, Nantes
Europe/Paris timezone

Payment instructions

The payment infrastructure has been set up and you can proceed with the payment of the registration fee. The registration fee is 160 Euros. This fee covers all the lunches and coffee breaks from Monday through Thursday (October 28 - 31) as well as the conference dinner.

To make your payment you have two options, either credit/bank card or bank transfer. Please follow the link below :


To avoid any problem, please visit this website only once you have decided which option you want to choose (we strongly recommend the credit/bank card option).

Please fill the online form as follows :

  • fill only the mandatory fields indicated by (*) (the city name is not marked but necessary, sorry)
  • on page 2 of the form the part "Logistical information" can be skipped. Please reply however to the photo question (since we might want to take a group photo)
  • on page 3 of the form (Registration/Billing), choose if the invoice must be made in your name or that of your institute, and check the box "I certify that the billing elements listed above are correct."
  • on page 4 (Registration/Price), please select your category. Here you can also indicate in case you plan to bring someone with you to the dinner. 
  • on page 5 (Registration/Payment), check "Online payment" for Credit/Bank Card payments, or "Bank transfer or purchase order" for bank transfer.

If you choose Credit/Bank Card payment, click on "Paybox payment" on the next page, then fill your credit card information.

If you choose Bank Transfer payment instead, please fill the "Contact information for the transfer's sender", then go to the next page, where you will find the bank account number to which the money should be sent. Please give this number to your administration in order to proceed with the bank transfer of your registration fee. Note that you will receive an automatic response from no-reply@azur-colloque.fr with an attached file containing again those bank account details (it is in French for formal reasons). Please give this file to your administration, in case they choose to pay your fees using their standard procedure (with a purchase order, typically).

Please note that the payment platform will stay open until Friday, October 25, 2024.