Oct 28 – 31, 2024
Subatech / IMT-Atlantique, Nantes
Europe/Paris timezone

Collectivity in heavy-ion collisions leads to amazing phenomena such as the observation of elliptic and higher-order flow harmonics in the bulk of measured particles. From the comparison of hydrodynamical simulations for the medium evolution to experimental data, the transport coefficients such as the shear and bulk viscosities can be extracted. High precision and high statistics data even allows for the determination of the temperature and density dependence of these quantities. Beyond the standard application of hydrodynamics to describe the bulk evolution, various interesting directions of research have emerged in the last few years. The goal of this workshop is to bring together hydrodynamic theorists, practitioners of hydrodynamic simulations and experimentalists looking at relevant observables, and to foster discussions on the rich facets of hydrodynamics and heavy-ion collisions.


In this workshop we will discuss recent progress made in the hydrodynamical description of heavy-ion collisions and the measurement of related observables. The topics include :


  • hydrodynamic fluctuations
  • finite baryon density
  • spin-hydrodynamics and strong magnetic fields
  • anisotropic hydrodynamics
  • stable first-order hydrodynamics
  • jets and heavy-flavor dynamics 
  • rapid hydrodynamization
  • numerical developments


The workshop will be held from Monday, October 28, to Thursday, October 31, 2024 at the Subatech Laboratory / IMT-Atlantique in Nantes, France.

The registration fee is 160 euros per participant (this includes coffee breaks, lunch and a workshop dinner gala). For a limited number of early career researchers we may be able to provide financial support (in form of waiving the registration fee). For this please contact the organizers via Email. The maximum number of participants is 50.

Note that the workshop is closed for participants having appointments in RU, BY institutions, and JINR.

This workshop is supported by the CNRS GDR-QCD and by the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI.

Subatech / IMT-Atlantique, Nantes
Amphi Pascal
4 Rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France
Go to map
Application for this event is currently open.