Parallel - WG3
- Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris)
- Mary-Cruz Fouz (CIEMAT)
- Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
Parallel - WG3
- Mary-Cruz Fouz (CIEMAT)
- Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris)
Parallel - WG3
- Mary-Cruz Fouz (CIEMAT)
- Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris)
Parallel - WG3
- Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris)
- Mary-Cruz Fouz (CIEMAT)
The CERN proposed $e^+e^-$ Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) is designed as an electroweak, flavour, Higgs and top factory with unprecedented luminosities. Many measurements at the FCC-ee will rely on the precise determination of the vertices, measured by dedicated vertex detectors.
All vertex detector designs use Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) with a single-hit resolution of ≈3 µm...
The vertex detector of the future Higgs Factory requires particularly high demanding performances, in terms of granularity, material budget, Power Consumption, data acquisition bandwidth and time resolution. IPHC Strasbourg has been pursuing its R&D effort on CMOS pixel sensors through several axis. One proposes to present of synthesis of these activities:
1/ A large scale CMOS sensor,...
High voltage CMOS pixel sensors are proposed to be used in future particle physics experiment such as FCC-ee. The ATLASPIX3 chip consists of 49000 pixels of dimension 50μm x 150 μm, realised in in TSI 180nm HVCMOS technology. It was the first full reticle size monolithic HVCMOS sensor suitable for construction of multi-chip modules and supporting serial powering through shunt-LDO regulators....
Availability of low-power, highly granular detectors that will provide excellent position resolution is one of the key requirements for FCC-ee physics goals, and has been highlighted as a priority research directions for European Strategy and the P5 panels. Several technologies are currently being pursued in the HEP and NP communities to achieve these goals. We will present the latest...
Monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS) are attractive candidates for the next generation of vertex and tracking detectors for future lepton colliders. Especially an only recently accessible 65 nm CMOS imaging technology, that allows for higher logic density at lower power consumption compared to previously used imaging processes, is of high interest. To investigate this technology, explore the...
I will report on a comparison of beamstrahlung backgrounds at the ILC and FCCee, with an emphasis on the Time Projection Chamber and Vertex detector. The different Machine-Detector Interface designs and beam timing structures at the two colliders imply dramatic effects on detector backgrounds.
A Time Projection Chamber (TPC) module with 32 GridPix chips was constructed and the performance was measured using data taken in a testbeam at DESY in 2021.
The GridPix chips each consist of a Timepix3 chip with integrated amplification grid and have a high efficiency to detect single ionisation electrons.
In the testbeam setup, the module was placed in between two sets of Mimosa26 silicon...
We propose to perform R&D studies for a straw tracker that can be used as an outer tracker for the FCC-ee experiments. The straw tracker offers the advantage of a low material, a crucial factor in minimizing overall material budget of the tracker. With the capability to achieve a single-hit resolution of 100-120 microns per layer with O(100) layers in total, the straw tracker will play a...
While the ionization process by charged particles (dE/dx) is commonly used for particle identification, uncertainties in total energy deposition limit particle separation capabilities. To overcome this limitation, the cluster counting technique (dN/dx) leverages the Poisson nature of primary ionization, providing a statistically robust method for inferring mass information. Simulation studies...
PID will be essential in FCC-ee experiments for precision studies of heavy-flavour physics and Z, Higgs, W, and top decays.
In this context, a novel RICH detector concept, named ARC (Array of RICH Cells), has been proposed.
The ARC detector is designed to operate over a momentum range of 1-40 GeV, using both $C_4F_{10}$ gas (or a more enviromentally-friendly equivalent) and Aerogel as...
A novel concept for the high granular noble liquid calorimeter optimised for the measurements of electrons and photons at $e^+e^-$ Higgs factories, namely for the Future Circular Collider FCC-ee, will be introduced. The concept is motivated by an excellent performance, stability, uniformity and linearity of the response observed with the past and current noble liquid calorimeters. The design...
Allegro, one of the detector concepts under study for FCC-ee, is currently in its design and optimization phase. This contribution aims to introduce Allegro’s calorimeter system, offering an overview of the baseline technologies planned for its two calorimeter systems: a highly granular noble-liquid electromagnetic calorimeter and a hadronic calorimeter with scintillating-light readout using...
The calorimeter systems of the detectors near future HET factories must operate in very different running conditions: machine backgrounds, dominant cross-sections and luminosities vary by several orders of magnitude as a function of the center-of-mass energy. A determination of the expected fluxes in the calorimeters is mandatory to scale the electronics, power dissipation and data...
The traditional purpose of the ECAL of the ILD experiment is to measure neutrals (especially photons, but also the interacting neutral hadrons) while tracking the charged particles for particle flow algorithms.
A highly granular Silicon-Tungsten ECAL (SiW-ECAL) is particularly suited for these tasks.
The SiW-ECAL faces many technical challenges: some remain to be tackled, while new ones,...
Precision measurements at future lepton colliders require excellent energy resolution, especially in multi-jet events, to successfully separate Z, W, and Higgs decays. The dual-readout method, which uses both scintillation and Cherenkov light, has proven to be a promising solution. This technique provides two independent energy measurements of the hadronic shower, allowing event-by-event...
The precise measurements of the Higgs, W and Z boson properties at future electron-positron collider will provide critical tests of the Standard Model (SM) and are essential in the exploration of new physics beyond the SM (BSM). To distinguish the hadronic decays of W and Z bosons, a 3-4% jet energy resolution is required. The particle flow approach, which aims to measure individual particles...
GRAiNITA is a new type of calorimeter where volume high-Z scintillator grains are immersed in a high-density transparent liquid. The multiple refraction of the light on the grains ensures the stochastic confinement of the light. The readout is dealt with WLS fibers. A small prototype has been tested in beam at CERN and some preliminary results will be shown.
This presentation provides a full review of the R&D for the µ-RWELL technology for the FCC-ee application, with the report
on update on the detector optimization, on the studies to improve the ASIC, and on the evaluation of the proposed performance within the IDEA framework.
In the IDEA experiment, µ-RWELL technology is proposed for the muon systems and the pre-shower. This MPGD exploits a...
The IDEA detector has been selected for the FCC due to its innovative design, featuring a central tracker enclosed in a superconducting solenoidal magnet, a Preshower detector, and a dual readout calorimeter. In the IDEA detector, the µRWELL technology; a single-amplification stage resistive Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD), based Pre-shower and muon detectors are integrated with modular...
The Hybrid Asymmetric Linear Higgs Factory (HALHF) proposes a shorter and cheaper design for a future Higgs factory. It reaches a √s = 250 GeV using a 500 GeV electron beam accelerated by an electron-driven plasma wake-field, and a conventionally-accelerated 31 GeV positron beam. Assuming plasma acceleration R&D challenges are solved in a timely manner, the asymmetry of the collisions brings...
Embedded field programmable gate array (eFPGA) technology allows the implementation of reconfigurable logic within the design of an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), enabling fast and flexible machine learning (ML) in readout electronics. Detectors at a future e+e- Higgs factory can benefit from increased intelligence throughout the data pipeline, for reduced data rates, faster...