9–11 Oct 2024
Campus des Cordeliers, Paris, Metro Odeon
Europe/Paris timezone

The top quark EW couplings in the SMEFT

9 Oct 2024, 14:35
Salle des thèses

Salle des thèses

ORAL WG1-GLOB - Physics Potential: Global interpretations Parallel - WG1-GLOB


Marcel vos (IFIC - centro mixto U. Valencia/CSIC, Valencia, Spain)


In this contribution by the IFIT/C group we present a global SMEFT analysis of the top sector. We indclude measurements by ATLAS and CMS using the LHC run 2 data, as well as projections for the HL-LHC and the future electron-positron collider projects. We update the fits for the Snowmass study (arXiv:2206.08326) with new LHC results, new projections for ttll four-fermion operators and a new scenario for the muon collider.

This study is part of the focus topic "ttbar threshoold" of the ECFA Higgs/top7ew factory studies.

Primary authors

Fernando Cornet (Case Western Reserve) Marcel vos (IFIC - centro mixto U. Valencia/CSIC, Valencia, Spain) Marcos Miralles (Glasgow U.) Maria Moreno Llacer (IFIC (UV/CSIC) Valencia) Victor Miralles (Manchester U.)

Presentation materials