9–11 Oct 2024
Campus des Cordeliers, Paris, Metro Odeon
Europe/Paris timezone

Reconstruction Tools in Key4hep

10 Oct 2024, 14:35
Amphi Roussy

Amphi Roussy

ORAL WG2 - Physics Analysis Methods Parallel - WG2


Swathi Sasikumar Kollassery (CERN)


Full simulation studies are an essential tool to estimate the physics
reach for future colliders. Developing optimal reconstruction tools
for future colliders is one of the main goals for Key4hep. To properly
estimated performances, it is of particular importance to correctly
treat beam-induced backgrounds and estimate how they affect
reconstruction efficiencies and resolutions for sophisticated
algorithms such as for particle flow clustering, which is a key
ingredient for optimal jet energy resolutions. This presentation will
cover the developments for and the integration of background overlay
processor, the interface to Pandora PFA for arbitrary detectors and
related algorithms, such as digitisers, and which issues were
discovered and resolved along the way.

Primary authors

Andre Sailer (CERN) Juan Miguel Carceller (CERN) Swathi Sasikumar Kollassery (CERN)

Presentation materials