Gordana Lastovicka Medin
(University of Montenegro)
In this presentation we will show results from our comprehensive study on inter-pixel region in trench-isolated Low Gain Avalanche Detectors. The focus will be on recently observed atypical self-induced signals with extremely large amplitude that are also very extended in time. We will be comparing the results from study on Trenched LGADs with results from study on Trenched PINs. We will be also showing the results obtained on irradiated samples. We will offer some hypotheses that will be tested using simulation tools.
Auteurs principaux
Gordana Lastovicka Medin
(University of Montenegro)
Vagelis. Gkougkousis
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
Mateusz Rebarz
(ELI ERIC, ELI Beamlines)