Appel à contribution

  • Date d'ouverture
  • Date limite de dépôt

Authors are invited to submit an abstract on topics related to the scientific program of the PIXEL 2024 conference.

The call for abstract is open and will close on July 5 (23h59 CEST) strictly.
Authors will be notified of the acceptance decision before mid-August.

Abstract requires title, author(s), speaker, contribution type, targeted track(s) and a free text limited to 500 words. As an optional feature, a maximum of two figures can be provided in an additional PDF file as attachement.
Submissions by collaboration should be indicated in the comment field, especially if the speaker will be specified later.

Note that a session in the timetable may include several tracks and vice versa.

Abstract submission requires the identification of the author, hence the person should be logged in the indico/IN2P3 system. Use the 'Login' icon on the top right of the page to log in or to access the account creation link. Note that Single Sing-On (SSO) login is available.

In case of trouble, contact .

L'appel à contribution est ouvert
Vous pouvez déposer un résumé pour évaluation.