4–8 nov. 2024
Palais consulaire
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Whispers of Baryons: A Femtoscopic Journey to High Baryonic Chemical Potential

8 nov. 2024, 13:30
Gaston Doumergue (Palais consulaire)

Gaston Doumergue

Palais consulaire

2 Rue d'Alsace Lorraine, 31000 Toulouse


Daniel Wielanek (WUT)


Studying the matter's properties in high-baryonic density is essential to understanding the conditions in neutron stars and during heavy ion collisions at low collision energies. Femtoscopy might play a crucial role in the exploration of the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. In the domain of the low collision experiments, the matter becomes baryon-dominant, in contrast to experiments at high energy collisions where mesons are the most abundant particles. Therefore, baryon femtoscopy is a very promising tool for studying the collision's dynamics and the interactions between particles.
In this presentation, I will briefly discuss the latest experimental measurements and techniques that might be useful for probing matter under extreme conditions. I will also briefly describe the future facilities that allow us to extend the current measurements. The challenges in exploring this physics in terms of developing new tools (like those for fitting data) will be discussed.

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