Femtoscopic measurements explore the strongly interacting Quark-Gluon-Plasma
(sQGP) via examining the space-time characteristics of heavy-ion collisions using cor-
relation functions of observed particles. This talk reports on an investigation of the
space-time geometry of heavy-ion collisions based on the EPOS model, a state-of-the-
art event generator. Based on its success with reliably reproducing many observables,
we utilize it to investigate source geometry, and to explore the reason of the appe-
arance of non-Gaussian, Lévy-type source distributions observed recently in multiple
experiments. We show that such non-Gaussian, and in particular Lévy-stable source
distributions arise on an event-by-event level, even if a three-dimensional distributi-
on is assumed. We compare the event-averaged source parameters to experimentally
obtained values.