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Participants: Akimasa ISHIKAWA, Miho YAMADA, Kenkichi MIYABAYASHI, Gilles CLAUS, Ajit KUMAR, Mathieu GOFFE, Jerome BAUDOT, Maciek KACHEL
- We set as a common goal for next fiscal year to use the SOI telescope with a CMOS sensor, preferably OBELIX if available but TJ-Monopix2 or CE-65 (small proto fabricated in TPSCo 65 nm technology).(Of course, more test of SOI sensors and CMOS sensors will also be conducted in parallel by each team).- To reach this goal, Yamada-san will modify the existing SOI-TLU in order to mimic the AIDA-TLU signals. In that way, integrating CMOS sensors driven by AIDA-TLU should be simple. Tests with Nakamura-san should be performed in advance of the test beam.- The data analysis can be done with Corryvreckan sw. For that reason, it is important that Tristan manages to analyse the present SOI data with Corry. Support for the analysis with Corry can be obtained from Ajit Kumar (Strasbourg post-doc) and Simon Spangle (DESY).- The test beam period is to be decided depending on the advancement of the previous work, and toward the end of 2024.- Yamada-san may receive an AIDA-TLU or EUDET-TLU from DESY, Marcel Stanitzki –DESY beam test coordinator– will investigate.- Marcel Stanitzki might attend LCWS in next July and in that case will visit the PF-AR-TB (visit to be organised with Hanagaki-san).- From the discussion with Simon Spannagel (DESY), it was decided to try integrating the description of SOI sensors into Allpix2 sw in order to interpret test beam results with simulation. That requires TCAD simulations and then the implementation of the sensor and the SOI-telescope geometry. Simon is willing to provide support and Strasbourg can also bring some help (especially TCAD if needed).- Regarding FJPPN, Yamana-san is to write the report for 2023 activities and Jerome the application for 2024.