1–6 juil. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Student accommodation

Accommodation free of charge is provided for up to 50 master and PhD students. Details of the accommodation and on how to apply can be found here below.

CROUS accommodation

Master and PhD students who will receive free accommodation from the school will be lodged at the CROUS Résidence Les Tripodes in the campus of the Université de Toulouse 3 - Paul Sabatier. The residence is at walking distance (5 min) from the venue of the school (see directions). The address of the residence is the following:

Tripode A | 118 Route de Narbonne | 31062 Toulouse | Link to Google Maps

The students will stay in single occupancy rooms, each equipped with individual bathroom and kitchenette. Covers and sheets will be provided, but towels and bathroom material will not be available.

Accommodation is for the full week of the School, from Sunday 30/06/24 until Saturday 06/07/24. Arrivals and departures outside these dates are considered only in exceptional motivated cases.

Please note that breakfast is not included in the accommodation. Breakfast will be served everyday at the School venue from 8:00 to 9:00.

Arrival and departure information

Check-in is only availble during the following hours:

From 17:00 to 21:00 on Sunday 30/06/24 at the entrance of the Tripode A (address provided above).

If you plan to arrive later than 21:00 on Sunday 30/06/24, please contact the organisers (nicola.tamanini@l2it.in2p3.fr) and provide an estimate of your time of arrival. Similarly if your experience any considerable delay during your travel please contact the organisers as soon as possible. A night guardian will be available at the entrance of the residence to deliver the keys to participants arriving later than 21:00.

How to apply

Applications are now closed.

Selection process

If more than 50 master and PhD students will request to have their accommodation covered by the School, a selection will be made based on a review of their application files, in particular the motivation letter. On a general basis, the selection will be made according to the following prioritisation categories:

  • Master students about to be enrolled in a PhD programme in gravitational waves or a closely related field;
  • First-year PhD students enrolled in a PhD programme in gravitational waves or a closely related field;
  • Other master and PhD students enrolled (or previously enrolled) in educational programmes related to gravitational waves;
  • Other master and PhD students.