1–6 juil. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

School venue and access

School Venue

The workshop will take place in the Amphitheatre 2 at the Maison de la Recherche et de la Valorisation in the campus of the Université de Toulouse 3 - Paul Sabatier.

The amphitheatre is equipped with electrical outlets and wifi provided through the eduroam network. Please make sure to install eduroam on your laptop before coming. An alternative internet connection to the wifi network of the university (to be requested in the application form) can be provided for participants that do not have access to Eduroam. All attendees are expected to come with their own laptop to thoroughly take advantage of the hands-on session (in particular the course "Hands on GW data analysis"). 

Address and directions

Amphitheatre 2
Maison de la Recherche et de la Valorisation
75 Cours des Sciences
31062 Toulouse

Link to Google map

Link to practical directions

Closest metro station: Faculté de Pharmacie (Line B)

Map of the Masoin de la Recherche et de la Valorisation (MRV)

The School will take place in the Amphitheatre 2, except on Tuesday morning when it will take place in the Amphitheatre 3. All breakfast, coffee and lunch breaks will take place in the Espace Alchimie in the courtyard of the building. Room AR003 is at the disposal of the participants of the School if additional space is need for discussions or office time (please ask the organisares if you would like to use this room).

Here is a map of the MRV:

Useful links



Lunches are provided by the School in the form of a buffet with multiple choices of dishes. Vegetarian options will be available everyday, but the absence of diary products, eggs, gluten and lactose is not guranteed. Vegan, gluten-free and lactose-free participants will be served alternative options. The School is unable to provide Halal or Kosher alternatives.

For all dishes the ingredients will be displayed at the buffet.

Here is the preliminary menu for lunches at the School:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Salade Niçoise

Taboulé Oriental (V)

Pasta al pesto basilico (V)

Saumon et riz basmati

Lasagne végétarienne (V)

Lunch at La Cité de l'Espace 

Salade parisienne

Salade de Cranberry (V)

Taboulé aux Agrumes (V)

Hachi parmentier

Pizza margherita (V)

Salade pécheur

Taboulé aux Agrumes (V)

Champignons à la Grecque (V)

Brandade de morue

Cannelloni maison ricotta épinard (V)

Salade Niçoise

Salade asiatique (V)

Taboulé Oriental (V)

Plateau de viande froide

Parmigianna Rossa (V)

Salade piémontaise

Salade de Cranberry (V)

Pasta al pesto basilico (V)

Lasagne bœuf

Quiche vege (V)