16–17 nov. 2023
Observatoire de Paris - site de Meudon
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The gravitational-wave phase at 4.5PN

17 nov. 2023, 11:50
salle du château (Observatoire de Paris - site de Meudon)

salle du château

Observatoire de Paris - site de Meudon

Observatoire de Paris, site de Meudon 5 place Jules Janssen 92195 Meudon, France


David Trestini (IAP et LUTH)


The main observable for the detection of gravitational waves in general relativity generated by compact binary systems is the phase of the wave. Within the post-Newtonian approximation, where the objects are assumed to be well-separated and to have small velocities, one can obtain analytical expressions for the phase as a series in $(v/c)^2$. Before this work, the phase (as well as the complete waveform) was known up to 3.5 post-Newtonian (PN) order. In this talk, I will discuss our recent computation of the flux and phase at 4.5PN order, as well as the $(\ell,m)=(2,2)$ mode at 4PN order. I will then give a brief overview of the tails-of-memory computation, which was a difficult but crucial step of the computation. Finally, I will discuss what is needed to obtain all the $(\ell,m)$ modes entering the 4PN waveform, and how the tail-of-memory methodology will be central to it.

Auteur principal

David Trestini (IAP et LUTH)


François Larrouturou (IAP) Guillaume Faye (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris) Luc Blanchet (C.N.R.S.) Quentin Henry (Albert Einstein Institut)

Documents de présentation