Présidents de session
Plenary-Overviews: Th+Exp Overviews
- Berndt Mueller (Duke University)
Plenary-Overviews: Plenary-Overview: Theory Overviews
- Jürgen Schukraft (CERN)
Plenary-Overviews: Theory Overviews (PlenOverview)
- Claudia Ratti (University of Houston)
- Peter Braun-Munzinger (EMMI/GSI)
Plenary-Overviews: Hypernuclei, Nuclei and Resonances
- Francesca Bellini (University of Bologna and INFN)
- Francesca Bellini (University of Bologna and INFN Bologna)
Plenary-Overviews: Open charm, beauty and Quarkonia
- Gines MARTINEZ (Subatech CNRS/IN2P3 - IMT Atlantique - Nantes Universite)
Plenary-Overviews: QCD phase diagram, Critical point and interferometry
- Tetyana Galatyuk
- Jean-Yves Ollitrault (IPhT Saclay)
Over the past decades strangeness has received a lot attention in connection with the study of exotic atoms, the analysis of the production and propagation of strange hadrons in particle research facilities as well as the investigation of the possible strange phases in the interior of compact stars, such as neutron stars. In this talk I will address strange dense matter inside neutron stars,...
The main goal of the RHIC beam energy scan program (BES) is to study the strongly interacting nuclear matter phase structure and search for the possible QCD critical point in high-energy nuclear collisions. Over more than a decade, the scan (BES-I and BES-II) covered a wide range of collision energy, from $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 3.0 GeV to 200 GeV corresponding to a wide range of...
This talk explores recent results in the study of molecular states with both open and hidden charm. Employing effective-field theories that incorporate heavy-flavor degrees of freedom and implement heavy-quark spin symmetry, significant progress has been made in generating bound and resonant states through unitarization techniques. Special attention will be given to the heavy-light sector,...
I will review recent progress in understanding collective phenomena in small system collisions. After discussing strong indications for the dominance of final state effects for generating signals of collectivity, I will review the important role of the longitudinal structure in small systems, ranging from 3He+Au to ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions.
I will touch on the applicability of...