3–7 juin 2024
Université de Strasbourg / Palais de la Musique et des Congrès
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Appel à contribution

  • Date d'ouverture
  • Date limite de dépôt


Authors are invited to submit abstracts addressing the scientific topics of the SQM 2024 conference. A submission category (or Track) can be selected during abstract submission. The Abstract Submission Deadline has been initially set to 17 February 2024 at 23:59 (Geneva time), further extended to Fri 23 February 2024 at 23:59 (Geneva time). Post-deadline abstracts will not be accepted. The submission of multiple abstracts from the same author is discouraged (except in the case of centralised submissions by experimental collaborations). The decisions on abstract acceptance will be communicated by 23 March 2024.

How to propose a contribution

All abstracts accepted for the conference will be presented in either oral or poster sessions. All presentations must be in English. Any author presenting a talk or a poster at SQM 2024 must be registered as participant at the moment of the conference. Authors presenting at the conference implicitly accept that their talks or posters are published on the Indico website.

The abstract submission process is managed by the Indico server hosted by IN2P3. To submit an abstract and for all further follow-up actions, you need a valid IN2P3 indico account. Please do not wait for the last moment (submission deadline) for checking that you can login. If you do not have a valid IN2P3 indico account, you can simply create one using EduGAIN authentication via your own institute as follows:

  • Click first here to identify the different steps
  • Click login on the top right of the indico SQM 2024 webpage;
  • Choose EduGain SSO;
  • On the new login page that opens, click on the right at EDU GAIN for signing in with your organisation account;
  • Identify your organisation (Berkeley, BNL, CERN, GSI...) then authenticate
  • Check you effectively logged in on the sqm2024 indico site

To submit an abstract, log into your IN2P3 INDICO account (see upper right corner) and click on the blue button "Submit new abstract" below on this page. A pop-up window will open with the abstract submission form. Fill in the form with the requested fields. Please read the form submission instructions before submitting an abstract. To consult them, click on the "submission instructions" link at the top of the abstract submission form.

Guideline to select tracks

Specific detail subjects which can be submitted for each track

  • Light-flavour and Strangeness
  • Heavy-flavour and Quarkonia
  • Resonances and Hyper-nuclei
  • Bulk matter phenomena, QCD phase diagram, and Critical point
    • Collective dynamics in AA
    • Correlations and fluctuations
    • Chirality, vorticity and spin polarisation phenomena
    • Transport
    • QCD at high temperature
    • Lattice
  • Collective effects in pp and p-A
  • Detector upgrades and Future experiments
    • LHC upgrades
    • Future experiments at EIC, at FAIR
    • SPS upgrades
  • Other topics
    • Strangeness in astrophysics
    • Baryon rich matters
    • Electromagnetic probes
    • Open questions and new theoretical developments
L'appel à contribution est fermé.