3–7 juin 2024
Université de Strasbourg / Palais de la Musique et des Congrès
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

ATLAS highlights: Recent results from ATLAS

3 juin 2024, 12:10
Room Curie (Palais de la Musique et des Congrès)

Room Curie

Palais de la Musique et des Congrès

Talk Plenary


Petr Balek (AGH University of Krakow)


ATLAS highlights: Recent results from ATLAS

This talk presents an overview of recent ATLAS measurements in heavy ion collision systems.
These include multiple measurements of jet production and jet structure, which probe the dynamics of the hot, dense Quark-Gluon Plasma formed in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, and measurements of quarkonia and heavy flavor production to probe the QGP medium properties.
Furthermore, an overview of the latest ultra-peripheral physics measurements performed, including both measurements of photo-nuclear and photon-photon fusion processes, will be discussed.
The photo-nuclear events can provide a clean probe of the partonic structure of the nucleus analogous to deep inelastic scattering while studies of processes in photon-photon interactions constraints the nuclear photon flux, the tau lepton's anomalous magnetic dipole moment (g-2), and provide a unique opportunity to investigate extensions of the Standard Model.

Auteur principal

Petr Balek (AGH University of Krakow)

Documents de présentation