Conseil Scientifique IPHC - CMOS MAPS

Amphitheater Grünewald (Building 25)

Amphitheater Grünewald

Building 25

IPHC Strasbourg, 23 rue du loess 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2
Support Document
Responsable DRS
    • 1

      Welcome and presentation of the questions asked to the CS

    • 2
      Presentation of the C4PI platform
      Orateur: Jerome Baudot (IPHC)
    • 3
      Presentation of the ALICE ITS3 project
      Orateur: Antonin Maire (IPHC Strasbourg - CNRS)
    • 10:05
      Coffee break
    • 4
      Presentation of the Belle-2 upgrade project
      Orateur: Isabelle Ripp-Baudot (IPHC, CNRS/IN2P3)
    • 5
      Presentation of the Future-Collider Project
      Orateur: auguste besson (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
    • 6
      General discussion
      Orateurs: Antonin Maire (IPHC Strasbourg - CNRS), Isabelle Ripp-Baudot (IPHC, CNRS/IN2P3), Jerome Baudot (IPHC), auguste besson (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
    • 7
      Delibérations (closed session)

      (Room "Pistache", 2nd floor, Building 27)

    • 8
      Oral feedback