Présidents de session
Discussion Session: Moduli Stabilization
- Sven Krippendorf
- Erik Plauschinn
- Dan Waldram
- Iosif Bena
Discussion Session: Scale Separation and Holography
- Irene Valenzuela
- Eric Perlmutter
- Thomas Van Riet
Discussion Session: Perspectives on Particle Physics
- Luis Ibáñez
- Fabian Ruehle
- Andre Lukas
- Fernando Quevedo
Discussion Session: De Sitter and Beyond
- David Andriot
- Ralph Blumenhagen
- Radu Tatar
- Gary Shiu
Discussion Session: String universality and classification of string vacua
- Jonathan Heckman
- Anamaría Font
- Timo Weigand
- Alessandro Tomasiello
Discussion Session: Non-geometric and non-supersymmetric backgrounds
- Carlo Angelantonj
- Chris Hull
- Emilian Dudas
- Ilarion Melnikov
Iosif Bena,
Sven Krippendorf,
Erik Plauschinn,
Dan Waldram
29/11/2023 12:00
Eric Perlmutter,
Irene Valenzuela,
Thomas Van Riet
29/11/2023 16:45
Luis Ibáñez,
Andre Lukas,
Fernando Quevedo,
Fabian Ruehle
30/11/2023 12:00
David Andriot,
Ralph Blumenhagen,
Gary Shiu,
Radu Tatar
30/11/2023 16:45
Anamaría Font,
Jonathan Heckman,
Alessandro Tomasiello,
Timo Weigand
01/12/2023 12:30
Carlo Angelantonj,
Emilian Dudas,
Chris Hull
01/12/2023 17:00