Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.
18–22 sept. 2023
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fuseau horaire America/Sao_Paulo

Pole structure of the three-gluon vertex: connecting symmetry and dynamics

Non programmé
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazilian Center for Physics Research - CBPF


Bianca Maria Silveira de Oliveira (UNICAMP)


In QCD, the gluons acquire a dynamical mass through the Schwinger mechanism. When the Schwinger mechanism is activated, the fundamental vertices of the theory acquire massless poles. This effect is entirely nonperturbative, in which the three-gluon vertex has a dominant contribution. In this work, we analyze the patterns of the pole structure of the three-gluon vertex using two different approaches: the Slavnov-Taylor identity satisfied by the three-gluon vertex and the Schwinger-Dyson equation that governs the dynamical evolution of this vertex. From the symmetry perspective of the theory, we show that the STI imposes constraints on these pole structures, preventing them from vanishing. On the other hand, we also check that the SDE governing the dynamical evolution of the three-gluon vertex reproduces the same constraints, disclosing the deep connection between the symmetry and dynamics of the theory, favoring the scenario of dynamical mass generation.

Auteur principal

Documents de présentation

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