This mini-workshop is aimed at gathering a few experts from different fields (mostly theoretical cosmology, galactic dynamics, [astro]particle physics) to discuss current progress, issues, and prospects in the understanding of dark matter (DM). The focus is mostly on how different DM scenarios imprint galactic and subgalactic scales, and how these can in turn be used to discriminate among several classes of DM candidates. This is directly linked to the small-scale tensions the LCDM paradigm is currently facing, which could be related either to baryonic physics, specific dark matter properties, or both.
Participation is on invitation, and the philosophy may be summarized as: interactive, friendly, unveil the dust under carpets, share knowledge or ideas, trigger collaborative work. This is the eigth edition of this workshop series (previous editions: 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022).
The 2023 meeting will take place at Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels).
This meeting is partly supported by ULB, the Francqui Foundation, LUPM, ObAS, the CNRS-INSU National Programs PNHE and PNCG, the ANR under contract ANR-18-CE31-0006 (the GaDaMa project), and by the ERC project GREATDIGINTHESKY.