2–4 nov. 2022
Domaine Lyon Saint-Joseph
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Flavio Hands-On Session

3 nov. 2022, 16:30
Domaine Lyon Saint-Joseph

Domaine Lyon Saint-Joseph

38 Allée Jean-Paul II, 69110 Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, France https://www.domaine-lyon-saint-joseph.fr/


Peter Stangl (CERN)


Please bring your laptop with charged battery and try to install flavio in advance (see flavio_installation.pdf). In case of issues during the installation, please send an email to peter.stangl@cern.ch or ask for help during the hands-on session.

The introductory Jupyter notebooks are available for download in the zip-file GDR-InF-2022.zip and in a GitHub repository.

Thanks to Binder, you can run the notebooks in your browser without needing to install anything. Just klick on launch notebooks in Binder.

Documents de présentation