ESCAPE ESAP Training Workshop

895 2484 6241 (Zoom)

895 2484 6241

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John Swinbank (ASTRON)

ESCAPE Work Package 5 has invested substantial effort into the development of ESAP, the ESFRI Science Analysis Platform. ESAP is intended to be a toolkit that ESFRIs, other research infrastructures, and service providers can use to provide their user communities with “science platform” functionality integrating a diverse range of data discovery, access, and analysis services.

This work will describe ESAP and the other services and software developed by ESCAPE. The intended audience is research infrastructures or other service providers, who will learn about the functionality that ESAP offers and how it can be integrated with their existing systems, but everybody is welcome.


ESAP Training Registration
    • 1
      The ESAP Big Picture

      The mission of ESCAPE WP5. What are we doing here? What problems is ESAP designed to address?

      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 2
      ESAP Architecture

      The design and architecture of ESAP. What are the major components? How do they fit together? How does the async system work?

      Orateur: Klaas Kliffen (ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
    • 3
      ESAP as an Analysis Environment

      How do users perform interactive data analysis using the ESAP system. This includes finding data, finding software, sending it to a notebook, accessing the shopping basket from a notebook.

      Orateur: Stelios Voutsinas
    • 4
      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 14:15
    • 5
      Batch Processing with ESAP

      How can ESAP help users carry out batch processing?

      Orateur: Gareth Hughes (CTAO)
    • 6
      Integrating ESAP with the ESCAPE Data Lake

      What is the ESCAPE Data Lake? What is the Data Lake as a Service? How does it link ESAP to the Data Lake?

      Orateurs: James Collinson (SKAO), Yan Grange (ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
    • 7
      Adding New Data Services to ESAP

      How can an ESFRI add their new catalogue or similar service to ESAP? The recent experience with KIS might make an interesting case study.

      Orateur: Hugh Dickinson (The Open University)
    • 8
      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 15:45
    • 9
      Lessons learned from integrating ESAP with EGI Cloud Computing

      An account of the experiences that we had when trying to make this work; lessons learned for developers and service providers

      Orateur: Sara Bertocco (INAF-OATs)
    • 10
      Deploying ESAP

      So I'm convinced that I want to try ESAP for my project. How do I start? What do I install? Where can I look for help?

      Orateur: Manuel Parra (IAA-CSIC (Spain))
    • 11
      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 12
      Using the Rubin Science Platform in support of ESFRI Activities

      Describe the work carried out at LAPP on the RSP, with a particular emphasis on how non-LSST projects (e.g. CTA) could use it.

      Orateurs: Dominique Boutigny (LAPP), Marie Paturel
    • 13

      What is Rosetta? How does it work? How does it complement ESAP?

      Orateurs: Stefano Alberto Russo (INAF), Sara Bertocco (INAF-OATs)
    • 14
      Data Services at KIS

      Describe services available through the KIS Science Data Centre and mention those which are exposed to ESAP.

      Orateur: Vigeesh Gangadharan
    • 15
      Orateur: Klaas Kliffen (ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
    • 14:15
    • 16
      Why FAIR and how to evaluate FAIRness
      • Why FAIR
      • How to evaluate FAIRness
      • Current discussions on criteria to onboard research products in EOSC
      Orateur: Susana Sánchez Expósito (IAA-CSIC)
    • 17
      Reproducible remote pipelines - The EVN archive portal

      Present the work undertaken at JIV-ERIC to make workflows more reproducible, with a focus on how they could influence future ESAP development.

      Orateurs: Aard Keimpema (Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC), Marjolein Verkouter (JIV-ERIC)
    • 18
      Orateur: Klaas Kliffen (ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
    • 15:25
    • 19
      Metadata for Describing Software Products

      What metadata does ESAP use to describe software products? How is it structured? What sorts of products can it represent? How is it stored? How does it relate to the OSSR?

      Orateur: Dave Morris (University of Edinburgh)
    • 20
      Future Prospects for ESAP Development

      Future development directions, funding, opportunities for collaboration, etc.

      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 21
      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)