Registration for this school is closed
The first step of the registration process is now closed. The selection of the participants of the school "The Transient Universe 2023" is currently ongoing.
The registration is now open for participants of the school "The Transient Universe 2023" to be held from 30 May to 9 June 2023 in Cargèse (please see details in the First Circular below).
Participants are invited to register on the following web site:
Registration to the school will be performed in two steps:
- in a first step, you declare yourself candidate to participate to the school.
- in a second step, your participation is confirmed by the LOC
At the first step:
- you will be prompted to create your account on this site of the Cargèse institute. Please enter your first name (prénom) and your last name (nom de famille) and chose a password which is used specifically for this site. For students please select Quality "Auditor" (for lecturers which also need to register, please select "Lecturer").
- for students, please upload a short CV to present yourself (in pdf format)
- upload an abstract (pdf), if you would like to give a students talk presentation at the school (10 to 15 min max, depending on number of presentations received). it's an nice non-stressful exercice to give a presentation in front of other students before doing so in a big conference.
- upload a motivation letter (pdf), if you need a reduced attendance fee (a letter in which you explain why in your case you can not afford the full attendance fee)
- click "Save Definitively" to submit your application.
At the second step, after acceptation of your application to the school by the LOC, you will be able to enter details of:
- your arrival time and departure time. The students are requested to stay during the full period from 30 May to 9 June. Please note that there will be the "Cosmic Bus" from Ajaccio airport to Cargèse, scheduled in the afternoon of the 30 May (exact time To Be Confirmed). And the way back to Ajaccio will depart the institute on 9 June at noon latest (exact time To Be Confirmed).
- room and dietary constraints
- and you will be asked for the payment of the attendance fee (payment details will be communicated later)
Looking forward to seeing you in Cargèse end of May 2023, during the most beautiful time of the year!
Stéphane Schanne on behalf of the LOC and SOC.
Web page: