30 May 2023 to 9 June 2023
IESC Cargèse
Europe/Paris timezone

Optical spectroscopic analysis of the Black Hole MAXI J1305-704

8 Jun 2023, 17:35
IESC Cargèse

IESC Cargèse

20130 Cargèse


Carlotta Miceli (Università degli studi di Palermo)


We report on the results obtained by an optical spectroscopy study performed on the black hole transient MAXI J1305−704 during its 2012 outburst. We analysed two observations taken by the Magellan Clay Telescope during two consecutive nights, when the source was in a soft X-ray spectral state. Then, we extracted 12 phase-resolved spectra and performed a spectral fitting of the dominant H-alpha feature. The line profile is characterised by an asymmetric emission and an absorption feature which vary during the orbital phase. Although the interpretation of our results is not straightforward, we attempt to provide a self-consistent explanation for this phenomenology.

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